Thursday, August 14, 2014

Get those engines running... again... head to the highway

I know it's been years since you've heard from me, but I have a couple of ideas I want to share in this venue so I'm kicking this into gear... it'll be a slow gear because I have a lot going on. (Take a gander on my Petula Writes blog to see what's been up.)

So hang in there, you won't be disappointed. You may be surprised at some of my new (?) opinions and ideas on the subject. I'll be back here about twice a month; I'll let you know the days very soon. In the meantime, let's get a new discussion going:

Let's start from the beginning. Do you believe single individuals (widowed, divorced, never married) should remain celibate from sexual activity and intercourse outside of the boundaries of a marriage? Please share your opinions in the comments and remember to be respectful and without judgement in your tone and language. I don't normally censor comments here so let's not start now.

"Celibacy is a journey, not a destination." - yours truly 

The small print: Your comments and ideas may be used in other writings on the subject. You can get an idea of what the old book concept was by clicking the link. I love to give attribution to sources, if you want to comment but remain anonymous outside of this blog then feel free to leave a note in your comments.


Anonymous said...

I do believe that. I should note, however, that I've only come to that belief since I've been married. I've not been tested in it.

Melissa R

Petula said...

Thanks for visiting and commenting, Melissa. Whew, that isn't something I'd wish on anyone! :-) ... Not an experience or test for the faint of heart... uh, faith. LOL

Christopher said...

To be pure and chaste is to bask in the kind gaze of the Lord, an admirable thing indeed.