So hang in there, you won't be disappointed. You may be surprised at some of my new (?) opinions and ideas on the subject. I'll be back here about twice a month; I'll let you know the days very soon. In the meantime, let's get a new discussion going:
Let's start from the beginning. Do you believe single individuals (widowed, divorced, never married) should remain celibate from sexual activity and intercourse outside of the boundaries of a marriage? Please share your opinions in the comments and remember to be respectful and without judgement in your tone and language. I don't normally censor comments here so let's not start now.
"Celibacy is a journey, not a destination." - yours truly
The small print: Your comments and ideas may be used in other writings on the subject. You can get an idea of what the old book concept was by clicking the link. I love to give attribution to sources, if you want to comment but remain anonymous outside of this blog then feel free to leave a note in your comments.